Welcome to

botShots is an expanding and evolving resource for artists, students, educators and enthusiasts of both art and robots.

Featuring the 'Best-in-Show' of the Robot Art world in any media, we keep the editorializing to a minimum and strive to let the work speak for itself. Our statement on quality was made by it's inclusion in our collection.

Each image is linked to a larger version for more detailed examination and a link to the website of each artist featured is also provided.

We hope you enjoy...

Laura Barbosa's Uncanny Valley

(The term 'UnCanny Valley' was first introduced by Japanese roboticist Masahiro Mori in 1970 to describe peoples emotional responses to the 'human-like' nature of robots.)

'UnCanny Valley'

'No Fear of Perfection'


by: Laura Barbosa

(Posted with Artist Permission)

The Art of Laura Barbosa

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