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botShots is an expanding and evolving resource for artists, students, educators and enthusiasts of both art and robots.

Featuring the 'Best-in-Show' of the Robot Art world in any media, we keep the editorializing to a minimum and strive to let the work speak for itself. Our statement on quality was made by it's inclusion in our collection.

Each image is linked to a larger version for more detailed examination and a link to the website of each artist featured is also provided.

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Will the 'real' Paul Hoc please stand up...

"Paul Hoc is not a robot."

This is in fact a quote from Paul Hoc's very own web page at Object Graphik.
Paul Hoc is not a robot. I humbly beg to differ. Not because it sounds like it should be printed on a T-shirt or the rally-cry of the obsessed fans of the 'real' Paul Hoc, an American painter of the 1950's but because Paul Hoc is, most definitely, a robot.

Why do I make such a claim, when even his designers/creators say differently?

To quote pioneering roboticist Joseph Engelberger "I can't define a robot, but I know one when I see one." (which incidentally is why there is no definition of Robot supplied on BotShots).

Created and designed by POB Technology and the artists at Object Graphik, of France, for the 2008 Saint Etienne International design biennial, Paul Hoc physically traverses paper and canvas to create intricate, geometiric, illustrations born of digital code and mathematical algorithms.

(Posted with Artist(s) Permission)


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